VOCABULARY OF THE DAY- 30/09/2018 ( With Antonyms, Synonyms and pics to learn )- Important for various Government Exams

VOCABULARY OF THE DAY- 30/09/2018 1. Anomaly- Meaning: deviation from the normal Synonyms: deviation, irregularity, aberration Antonyms: conformity, regularity 2. Anonymous- Meaning: having no known name or identity Synonyms: undisclosed, unidentified, unnamed Antonyms: known, named 3. Antagonism- Meaning: actively expressed opposition or hostility Synonyms: animus, antipathy, disagreement Antonyms: agreement, approval, harmony 4. Antecedent- Meaning: someone from whom you are descended Synonyms: former, past, anterior Antonyms: current, future, present 5. Anticipate- Meaning: to imagine or expect that something will happen Synonyms: await, assume, forecast Antonyms: doubt